Lag Ja Gale…

How are you my darling Princess, my beautiful Angel, my only love,

My fairy queen, my little mermaid, my dazzling damsel, my dearest dove?

Peace is my message, my Queen; thus tease me not, so tease me not, Oh! Tease me not like this,

Here’s your servant, your loyal Prince, your only lover sending you a good afternoon kiss…


I pass my days in the midst of loneliness, while the world around me is fond,

I dare no say to anyone when I cry within, and tears roll down the pondering pond. 

Being so far, far away from you, I cannot live, I cannot live, I just cannot live for long;

My dearest Princess, I beg you to come back to me; I Thus beg you to forgive me with a song…





Happy Birthday! My Princess.

30th June, 2016.   12:00 a.m. 

The whole world prepares for a forgetful sleep,

But I cannot sleep as yet,

For, I have a duty of love- a promise to keep,

And dare to be yours faithfully on this date.


So, how can I tell you how I’ve waited a yearlong,

To say this pretty little thing:

That “I wish you a Happy Birthday! I wish you a Happy Birthday!

I wish you a very Happy Birthday!, My Beautiful Queen.” 


With Love.

Yours Forever,
